ENchanting the unknown

A Free 3-day Training


There are times in our lives when something unseen calls to us from the darkness.

Where the road we are traveling narrows, reaches unfamiliar territory, and we feel lost.

Perhaps you have had many of these experiences in the last year alone.

Collectively, we are all undergoing a period of deep transformation and transmutation. We have been thrown into an unfamiliar world, and we are being asked to find our way through.

Our current circumstances may be unique in human history, but the underlying arc of it all is nothing new.

The truth is, we are always living in the unknown.

The nature of life on earth is uncertainty, and we will be asked to step into the unknown in countless ways, over and over again, over the course of our lives.

I don't have to tell you that this can be a confronting fact to face.

From the very beginning, the world has taught us to fear this reality. We have been conditioned to do everything we can to create safety for ourselves.

… We have built up walls around our comfort zones to keep out discomfort and uncertain outcomes.

… We attempt to control as many variables as possible to avoid feeling powerless (leaving us rigid and closed off to magic and synchronicity).

… We stress, numb, overthink, become tense, and resist this ultimate truth.

but what if there was another way?

What if this fear of the unknown could be transformed into power?

What if you could actually use the unknown to activate unwavering trust in yourself and in your life?

What if uncertainty was a portal into your next-level reality?

It’s time to do this whole thing differently.



Join me for enchanting the unknown

A free training series that will guide you to embrace uncertainty and step into trust.

Each day I share practices, tools, and guidance that will help you to transform the unknown into an ally for your growth and healing.

Are you ready to take the journey?